1. The interface is divided into four different components:
2. There are several game metrics available which can be selected from the interface. The available metrics are shown in the figure below:
3. Various encodings in the summary component are illustrated with the figure below.
4. De-selecting a checkbox hides the visual markers for corresponding action/event, in the visualization. For example, in the figure below, only "Kick" and "Death" are selected. Hence the visualization highlights only the kick actions and death events.
5. You can select a competition from the dropdown list at the top. The competitions are between simpleAgent, hakozakijunction, navocado, and skynet955. You can also choose data of competition on your device via "Choose/Browse Files" button. Select the directory which contains JSON representations of the game, logged via '--record_json_dir' command line option. For example, as shown in the figure, choose 'hako_navo' directory. Selected files are NOT uploaded on server. They are used only for client-side processing.